How I Juggle Homeschool and a Home Business

A common question I often get is “How do you do it all?” Well… Here’s my big secret… I don’t do it all! Between home schooling and home business there are so many moving pieces so here are a few tips on how to manage.

Tip #1 - Have a supportive partner

For some of you this might be asking for the moon, some of you are single, some of you are trying to do it alone, some aren’t married yet.

If you can find a way to do it with a partner and one that is on the same page as you this will not only help to strengthen your relationship but you’ll be able to conquer together!

It helps me out tremendously that I have a partner that is able to take on certain tasks while I take on my own tasks and then we have this time where we get to come togther! Without him there is no way Id be able to do all that I do on a daily basis!

Keep in mind if you’re single the other tips don’t change.

Tip #2 - Make sure you have a schedule

Making sure you have a schedule that is not only good for you but also good for your kids helps keep everyone on the same page, we know what to expect. When you are in a routine it takes you less time to get from point A to point B because you’re already familiar with that flow. Its so helpful when it comes to maximizing time and efficiency!

Tip #3 - Cut Corners - Prep for success

I don’t mean to cut corners in a dishonesty way, cut corners by prepping! You guys know I am huge on this. Take on meal prepping, I see scheduling as a way of prepping, prepping bags the day before or even hiring help.

Tip #4 - Involve the kids

Blend your activities. Instead of pushing your kids away when you have X Y and Z to accomplish let them do it with you. Cleaning, unloading groceries, helping with chores or work activities. After they have helped, take a few minutes to play. It’s a wonderful way for them to learn experientially. Yes, maybe its not as proficient but I find that the time with my kids is invaluable.

Tip #5 - Manage your energy

You need to make sure you are getting enough sleep, making time to work out, eating properly that way you can go out there and be as proficient as possible! Because If you want to get out there and conquer big or overwhelming tasks, big jobs, your life than you have to have a well oiled, well fueled machine, aka yourself, your body and mind so you can go out there and conquer like a rockstar.

I hope these tips are helpful, whether you are applying them to home schooling, home business or any other area in your life.

Until next time,

-MJ :)