Not to long ago I ran a survey trying to figure out how I could better serve you and so many of you responded by wishing you had more time and energy. I GET IT! Time is something we can never get back. Each and every one of us only has 24 hours in day. I really became passionate about this after 10 years of adrenal fatigue, 10 years of feeling like I didn’t have enough energy or time to live my up to my fullest potential and peruse my dreams. That’s when I decided it was time to conquer this area of my life.

 So how do we get more time and energy in life?

I talk a lot about the minimalism philosophy because I really do love it! This philosophy talks a lot about questioning question everything in your life, not just material things, but also, the things that you think, the things that you do, what you’re involved in, who you hang out with? Ask yourself, “Does this add value in my life?” Then take that a step further by asking yourself “Does this elevate my life?” Meaning does this bring me closer to my highest self? When you start asking yourself these questions you’ll begin to see dramatic shifts!

Optimize the things you already have. What I mean by optimize is to make the most out of it! This goes for the good and the challenging situations you might encounter in life. Some simple ways to incorporate this are as easy as asking yourself “What can I learn from this situations?” “How can I do it better next time?” As far as tasking and productivity you can create lists, focus on your flow and setting limits on things that don’t add value.

Believe it or not if you rest appropriately you will actually generate more time! How many of you have skipped your bedtime to stay up late so you could get more things done? So many of us fall victim to this, thinking that it will free up time for us in the future when in actuality robs us of our time and energy. I cant stress enough how important it is to get quality rest daily so you can wake up feeling rested, energized, excited and ready to take on your day.

Move regularly! I say MOVE not exercise; this means daily walks, gardening, yoga, dancing, or any kind of physical movement. Do this with intention; be present with your body. Listen to your body. For some of us we might be experiencing an energy deficit, if that’s the case, movement is still important, you just need to do it at your own pace, at your own level. This will cause and elevation in your energy levels, your physical health and your mental wellbeing… With a caveat, as long as you are taking to appropriately counter this movement with rest! 

Your mindset is responsible for so much, emotions, thoughts, chemistry within the body, stress, tension, the way that you move, think and perceive life, the list could go on and on! For example if you’re stressed, your body will follow and if your body is stressed its not maximizing energy and if you’re not maximizing your energy you’re not optimizing your time. We could all benefit from moments that allow us to refocus our minds, a lot of times all it takes is a deep breath in and out to relax and refocus our perspective.

May you be inspired to create, conquer and optimize!

Be good, be great, be grateful.