Today I am looking to share the solutions and steps I have found that will create an experience of optimal living.

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Accepting that life isn’t always optimal. It seems ironic, I know, but life isn’t always perfect and if you chase perfection all the time the we are bound to be dissatisfied. If we chase particulars we are bound to be unhappy. Have you ever noticed the people that are the most particular tend to be the most uptight and grouchy? So accepting the fact that things aren’t going to be perfect doesn’t mean its not going to be optimal, its up tp you to optimize those moments. Which leads me to step 2…


In those moments of non-perfection do all you can to squeeze what you can out of those moments. every moment is a blessing, filled with opportunities for growth and learning.


When you can master the art of fulfillment, the art of optimizing every single moment, every single situation, every failure and success, every area of your life! When you can optimize it you’ve truly created an optimal life.

“People who live optimally are non-negotiable about their bedtimes, about their morning routines and workouts, about negative thought patterns and beliefs… NON-NEGOTIABLE!”

Optimal living isn’t easy, it takes work and that why so many of us continue to seek it. The unfortunate thing is many of us seek it with things at are “easy.” If I just make more money, if I buy my dream house, if I buy my car, if I get a good relationship, if I looked prettier, if I was skinnier, then I would be happy. The truth is, happiness comes from being able to non-negotiate the things that are going to create value and a fundamental foundation in your life.

Until next time,