Okay, let’s get real for a moment… How many of you actually think working out is an actual waste of time, it’s a chore, you wish there was an easier or similar way? How many of you know the benefits of working out, you know its good for you but its still such a task, like its a hurdle to get over? Well, you’re not alone! I’ve been there; I didn’t like the idea of exercising or the idea that I was going to have to do this for the rest of my life! WHAT?!

Okay, so I am hoping by the end of this post I can shed some light on how to make this not seem so daunting how we can actually make working out Simple, Quick, Easy and Fun, but first lets recap all the benefits of exercise, incase you didn’t know. 😏

·      Health

·      Wellbeing

·      Emotional/Hormonal Regulation

·      Look/Feel Better

·      Sleep Better

·      Increased Strength

·      Immunity

·      Longevity

There are so many positives to exercising! You would think we would just naturally want to do it, right? Well, you know as well as I do that that’s not true! So, Why is it so hard if it’s so good for us?? 😫

Here are a few of those reasons:


 We think it’s about exercise, about getting to the gym, about working out, it’s “cool.” We think things like “In order to work out we need those gym shoes or cute yoga pants.”


We spend time planning, prepping, anticipating, getting in our car and going somewhere to exercise, when in reality it can be so much more efficient.


It’s possible we’ve had a bad experience or pushed to hard, we are not understanding of our threshold and our own energetic balances within our body. All of these feelings negatively anchor our minds to not enjoy the process of working out!


 We don’t meet ourselves where we are at, we put so many expectations on ourselves, along with societal pressures of having to be “fit” and “thin.” Eek!

So, that’s why I developed the 5-minute MOVE concept! All it takes is 5-minutes a day, only 5-minutes to MOVE. NO hard-core weight lifting no burpees! You just simply meet yourself at a place where it is Fun, Energetic and Positive. Dancing, walking, playing with your dog/animals, playing with your kids, dancing with your kids, these are fun ways to MOVE your body and anchor Positive Movement. 

Try it out, set aside 5-minutes a day to MOVE in a way that your body love, that you love, make it positive by reinforcing it with positive emotions behind it, make it not feel like a chore!

MOVE your body and you will change your life!

Happy moving,

HEALTH, ALLMJ GordonComment